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Regulation of “Bao Xiulan Sunshine Intelligence” (Trial Version)

添加日期:2020-10-17   浏览量:2326

“Bao Xiulan Sunshine Intelligence” is a charity project for early intervention and development for children (hereafter “the project”) established by the Infant Development Special Committee of Chinese Association for Improving Birth Outcome and Child Development (hereafter “the special committee”) , SSIP and Bao Xiulan Health Technology (Beijing) Corporation (hereafter “Bao Xiulan Technology”). The Project aims to establish and optimize the “Theory and practice for early intervention and development for children” and the “Evaluation mechanism for early childhood development” with national independent intellectual property right by concluding Prof. Bao Xiulan’s advanced concepts and experiences in the area of the development of infants, especially the early intervention and development for children. Moreover, the project also tends to protect Prof. Bao Xiulan’s valuable intellectual property and help more children from home and abroad. With the aim of adequate protection of intellectual property and creators’ rights, the project will encourage more medical workers at the field of early childhood intervention and rehabilitation to change the effective experience, regulation and methods into intellectual property, which will arouse the enthusiasm of the medical workers and related staff at the field of early intervention and development for children to achieve the goal of benefiting more families.


The special committee provides professional support for the project while SSIP is in charge of the fund management and the cooperation with national authority on early childhood intervention and development.


The project focuses on the following aspects:

1. Supporting the activities like early intervention, testing and evaluation, course training guidance and behavioral development tracking for the premature infants, high-risk infants, children with developmental delay, cerebral palsy and autism.

2. Funding the medical workers and relative practitioners from the underdeveloped and impoverished areas to participate in the evaluation, training, courses and communication activities on early childhood intervention and development.

3. Promoting the research, teaching and publicity of the system of early childhood intervention and development; improving the protection of intellectual property for the team of Bao Xiulan and medical education experts on the field of early childhood intervention and development.

4. Establishing the platform to achieve social support for early childhood intervention and development. The project combines the methods of online and offline, which helps provide effective communication between parents, hospitals and training institution, improve the level of digitalization on the early childhood intervention and development, and balance the differences between various districts with consistent evaluation and guidance standard.


The implementation regulation of the project (Trial Version) (hereafter “the regulation”) is made by the special committee, SSIP and Bao Xiulan Technology according to the constitution of SSIP and the decision of SSIP council.


“The project” or “project” in the following regulation refers to “Bao Xiulan Sunshine Intelligence”.


Chapter Ⅰ Institution Settings

Article 1 Project Committee

The project sets a committee, which is part of SSIP and the committee members are composed of people from SSIP, the special committee, Bao Xiulan Technology and donor representatives (who are selected from enterprises and individuals that donate more than 200,000 yuan in a single donation).


Article 2 Project Secretariat

Secretariat is set to be in charge of fundraising, implementation, managementand evaluation of the project, of which members are from SSIP, the special committee and Bao Xiulan Technology.


Chapter Ⅱ Project Requirements

Article 3 Qualification for Donors and Donation Process

A. Basic conditions for donors:

(1) Qualified donor should be legal enterprises or social organizations in People’s Republic of China or natural person who owns independent capacity for civil conduct.

(2) Donors should obey the implementation regulations of the project.

(3) Donors should be approved by the secretariat of the project.

B. Application process for donation:

(1) Donors fill in the “Donation application form”.

(2) The secretariat reviews the qualification of donors.

(3) SSIP signs the “Donation agreement for Bao Xiulan Sunshine Intelligence” (hereafter “donation agreement”) with donors after the pass of the review of the qualification.


Article 4 Qualification for Recipients and Application Process

A. Recipients should meet one of the following qualification:

(1) If recipients apply for the fund for early intervention and rehabilitation training for children in the low-income families, recipients should provide evaluation certificates for the sponsored children, such as evaluation report, certificate for family income and work certificate.

(2) If recipients apply for the fund for training of medical workers in the areas short of medical resources, recipients should provide relative certificates, like the certificate of the medical organization, the position, income and etc.

(3) If recipients apply for the fund for research, recipients should submit relative materials of the research result, such as the published articles, introduction to the team and professionals’ review materials on the research.

(4) If recipients apply for financial support to formulate the industry systematicstandard, recipients should submit the relative plan, the short-term, mid-term and long-term working goals as well as the standard of the results.

B. Application process for recipients:

(1) Recipients fill in the “Application form for donation of Bao Xiulan Sunshine Intelligence”.

(2) The secretariat reviews the qualification of recipients.

(3) SSIP signs the “Funding agreement of Bao Xiulan Sunshine Intelligence” (hereafter “funding agreement”) with recipients after the pass of the review of the qualification.


Article 5 Project Running

(1) SSIP signs the funding agreement with recipients after the pass of the review of the qualification. With the consideration of the condition of recipients and the permission of the donors, the secretariat establishes a special project and do report to the committee. Besides, the secretariat organizes resources and supervises the implementation of the special project.

(2) As the project starts, recipients should submit the “Report of the implementation of the project” to the secretariat. The secretariat regularly discloses the information to the public.

(3) As the project finishes, the secretariat submits the “Report on the finish of the project” to the committee. If the report is passed by the committee, the secretariat will do the report to the donor and disclose the information to the public.


Chapter Ⅲ Financial Management

Article 6 Project Funds Raising

Donors should sign donation agreement with SSIP and clearly indicates that the donation should be used in the charity project “Bao Xiulan Sunshine Intelligence”. Besides, the fund should be managed and allocated by SSIP according to the regulations of financial management.


Article 7 Use of the Project Funds

(1) Funds of the project are mainly used for the implementation of the project, the promotion of the project and the management of SSIP. To be specific, the funds are allocated to purchase books, teaching materials and training resources; to organize the systematical training on early childhood intervention and development; to prepare platforms, soft wares and information service that is required for the activities of early childhood intervention and development; to provide hard wares of computers and projectors, and consulting and training service; to pay for the teachers and staff as well as other expenses like the fee of the teaching venue. The fee of the implementation of the project is no less than 70% of total amount of the funds of the project.

(2) The fee of the promotion of the project mainly includes the travel expenses, labor expenses and publicity expenses. The fee of the promotion of the project is no more than 20% of total amount of the funds of the project.

(3) As for the fee of the management, SSIP shall charge a management fee no more than 10% of total amount of the funds of the project.

(4) The cycle of financial auditing of the use of the project funds should be consistent to the cycle of financial auditing of SSIP.


Chapter Ⅳ Information Disclosure

Article 8 Disclosure of the Implementation of the Project and Financial Situation

SSIP will disclose the implementation of the project and the financial information to the public according to the rules and regulations by Beijing Civil Affairs Bureau. SSIP welcome the supervision from donors, recipients and the whole society.

Article 9 Contents of Information Disclosure

A. SSIP may, with the permission of the donors and recipients, disclose the followinginformation to the public, and advertise this project:

(1) The donors’ names and other basic information, the amount of donation;

(2) The recipients’ names and other basic information, the amount of donations received by the recipients;

(3) Other information that SSIP considers it necessary to be disclosed about this project.

B. If any donor or recipient do not wish to disclose any information that is mentioned above, the donor or recipient is required to make it explicit in writing form or orally to the SSIP. SSIP may decide whether to disclose the information in accordance with Measures on Information Disclosure by Charities and other rules and regulations, as well as SSIP Rules on Information Disclosure and other related rules of the SSIP.


Chapter Ⅴ Others

Article 10

This regulation is made by the Committee of “Bao Xiulan Sunshine Intelligence”, which is approved by the donors and recipients in the meeting.

Article 11

SSIP is in charge of the explanation and revision of this regulation.



The Infant Development Special Committee of Chinese Association for Improving Birth Outcome and Child Development

Beijing Intellectual Property and Legal Development Foundation

Bao Xiulan Health Technology (Beijing) Corporation

October 12, 2020


Copyright: The Beijing Sunshine Intellectual Property and Legal Development Foundation
Tel:010-68946228 Fax:010-68946377 Email:info@ssip.org.cn
Address: Room 60443, Beijing Friendship Hotel, No. 1 South Street, Zhongguancun, Haidian District, Beijing